Community Leader Profile: Asha
/Meet Asha, a member of the garden committee and a founding gardener at the New Beginnings Garden in St. Johns Woods. In addition to working in the garden, Asha is the Livestock Coordinator of the Chicken Project in St. Johns Woods. She also makes delicious injera and sambusa for the Village Market every week! Injera is an Ethopian flatbread with a unique, spongy texture. Come by the Village Market to try Asha’s tasty bread.
“I feel very happy to be in the garden cleaning and harvesting collard greens. I also like to visit Food Works Farm to sit in the grass and pray.
Village Gardens to me means happiness, fresh food andfamily. People save money by producing their own organic produce.
In the future I would really like to have bigger gardens at St. Johns Woods, a community run restaurant and to sell prepared food at the Village Market.
Village Gardens has helped my self confidence. I have gained many agricultural skills and knowledge and I have really improved my English and presentation skills.
One thing that I have learned at Village Gardens is to make friends here in my community.”
Injera Flatbread