Willamette Weekly Give!Guide Kick Off

Dear Village Gardens community,

We are proud to announce that this year again, we have the privilege and honor to be part of theWillamette Week Give!Guide campaign. Every year since 2004, the Give!Guide selects a large number of local non-profits to feature in the Give!Guide with the goals to“hook readers 35 and younger on the giving habit… [and] to raise as much money as possible for as many worthy local nonprofits.”

Village Gardens would like you to encourage your friends, loved-ones, and even co-workers to take some time to check out the Give!Guide and support Village Gardens! Help spread the word about the work we do to address food justice issues in North Portland through social media. Like us onFacebook and follow us onTwitter, and please encourage others to do the same. When you share our status, like or favorite our posts,you increase the visibility and impact of our work!

Last year, Village Gardens raised close to $7,000through the Give!Guide. This year, we hope todoublethat, with your help! Village Gardens thank you so much for your time and invaluable support! You rock!

The Village Gardens Team